Belonging to RDO helps members to grow their business in a number of ways, notably through:
Quality Endorsements – Members can use the RDO logo on all their sales literature, business stationery and websites. The logo acts as a positive endorsement for customers who can be reassured that they are dealing with a company committed to offering the best in European timeshare and fractional ownership.
Europe-wide lobbying – RDO represents the collective voice of the industry and communicates the views and interests of the European timeshare and fractional ownership industries to national governments, the European Commission and Parliament, the media and other consumer bodies and associations.
Representation around Europe – Through its National Chapters in the UK, Spain and Malta, RDO is ideally placed to carry out activities for the benefit of members based in those countries.
The opportunity to network – RDO’s meeting schedule and events allow RDO members to meet with colleagues from across Europe and the full spectrum of the industry.
Free newsletter subscription – RDO issues a e-newsletter on industry matters once a week, along with a members’ only monthly e-newsletter – ‘RDO Insider’. This newsletter contains a round-up of RDO activities as well as important industry developments.
Enforcement – Benefit from the activities of KwikChex, which operates the enforcement programme on RDO’s behalf, collecting intelligence on fraudulent companies as well as working with the police to have them closed down. As a member of RDO, you will not only have access to enhanced information not available to those outside of the organisation but will also be able to call on RDO enforcement for advice and assistance should your company’s customers be targeted by fraudsters.
RDO Discounts – You will be entitled to reduced rates at RDO organised events and may also benefit from specially negotiated reduced fees at other external events.
Access to key industry data – The Organisation’s libraries of reports and key statistics are also available for members to use in their own marketing and planning activities.