RDO Membership helps companies to grow their business in a number of ways, notably through:
Promotion of the RDO kitemark – Raising awareness of RDO and the industry at large is a central priority for the organisation, carried out through education of the public, the media and other stakeholders.
Quality Endorsements – Members are entitled to use the RDO logo on all their sales literature, business stationery and websites. The logo acts as a positive endorsement for customers who can be reassured that they are dealing with a company that has signed up to a Code of Conduct, Mediation and ADR Scheme, and is committed to offering the best in vacation ownership. In 2013, RDO published its Mission Statement, pledging high ethical standards and compliance from all members, reinforcing the message of the importance of RDO to consumers.
Access to research & key industry data – The Organisation’s libraries of reports and key statistics are also available for members to use in their own marketing and planning activities.
Free newsletter subscription – RDO issues an e-newsletter on industry matters once a week, along with a members’ only monthly e-newsletter – ‘RDO Insider’, which is a round-up of RDO activities. You can also follow us on LinkedIn.
The opportunity to network – RDO’s meeting schedule and the AGM allow RDO members to meet with colleagues from across Europe and beyond.
Representation around Europe – Through its National representation, RDO is ideally placed to carry out local activities, such as media contact and lobbying, for the benefit of members based in those countries.
Enforcement – RDO works with EUROC, which is approved by Trading Standards, to fight rogue traders that predominantly offer legal and claims services. As a member of RDO, you will have access to enhanced information not available to those outside of the organisation.
Europe-wide lobbying – RDO represents the collective voice of the industry and communicates the views and interests of the European timeshare and fractional ownership industries to national governments, the media and other consumer bodies and associations. Legislative developments are monitored through membership of key national trade associations; RDO has direct access to national governments in a number of member states.
Categories of RDO Membership
RDO membership is open to all those directly or indirectly involved in the European vacation ownership industry. There are 2 main types; full and associate membership.
Full membership is open to companies and other businesses established in Europe and directly engaged in the resort development industry. Different fee structures apply to different categories of full membership, dependent upon the size and nature of the member company concerned. Details are available within the Membership Application Form and Fee Structure Tariff, which can be received by contacting us.
Associate membership is open to companies providing specialist services to the industry, such as lawyers, consultants, and other suppliers of goods and services, as well as companies operating outside of Europe but otherwise eligible for membership.
Full membership includes voting rights at members’ meetings and full members have the right to be nominated for election to the Board. Associate membership does not carry voting rights nor the right to be nominated for election to the Board.