

RDO / Secretariat

RDO’s secretariat supports the work of the Board, its Councils and national chapters.

Its principal activities include:

Consumer Services

The RDO logo is a recognised symbol of excellence for members operating in the timeshare sector. For many consumers, RDO will be their first line of call when seeking advice and information on timeshare products and the companies providing them. RDO holds a database of its members and can make recommendations in response to consumer enquiries. It also provides a free advisory and conciliation service to anybody who deals with its members.

The Consumer services department has also produced guides which assist consumers with buying timeshare, resolving problems and understanding the timeshare concept.

Regulation and Government Representation

RDO puts the industry’s perspective to officials, legislators and ministers in the principal European national markets and to the European Union institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg. It also maintains a constant dialogue – through its own offices and those of its national chapters – with other relevant trade and consumer bodies.


Membership is open to all those directly or indirectly involved in the timeshare industry. Being part of RDO provides a valuable endorsement, and reassures existing and potential consumers that they are dealing with companies committed to the highest standards of professionalism. All members must conform to the RDO’s strict code of ethics.