After The Conference
I returned from what I thought was a really good conference determined to write a blog on the highlights of the event, but such is the demand for instantaneous news and views, that by the time I am back at my desk I have already provided a piece for RCI Ventures and Perspective Magazine on the conference and on what 2012 holds for the industry and am beginning to run out of "bon mots"!
This just proves what we were told at the conference about the speed of news transmissions, social media and comment etc. So is there anything left to say about RDO2?
We are undoubtedly in the middle of a period of serious financial turmoil and as yet the end isn’t in sight, nor do we know how the financial cuts in the EU will affect our industry in terms of demand for members’ products and spending power going forward. We do know however from speakers at the Conference, that holidays remain a priority for those in work, that the West still enjoys unprecedented prosperity and that resort destinations run by RDO members are in safe and secure locations around Europe. These are all key elements for a secure future for the industry.
We also know from RDO 2 that the media is not picking up adverse comment on timeshare these days and the 2 journalists filmed on the "What do they think of us?" session were interested in hearing more about the industry – something we need to address. We also know that Enforcement remains a priority for members and their continued support is a testament to the hard work Alberto and his team have continued to put into their often difficult task.
Those who listened at the Conference to Howard Nusbaum’s account of ARDA’s work, could not fail to have been impressed by the breadth of ARDA’s activities and resources in the USA, the like of which RDO can only dream of! That insight does however underscore the logic of seeking to explore areas of co-operation and mutual interest between the two organisations and we expect discussions will continue and conclude soon.
So, much still to be done as we move towards the close of 2011 and after all that, still some lessons left to be drawn from the Conference. My thanks to all who attended and contributed to what was a great event and I look forward to the 2012 Conference!