Purpose Beyond Profit via Geoffrey Breeze – Executive Director, World Travel & Tourism Council
While many might consider the Travel & Tourism industry as somewhat trivial and not necessarily providing anything more than simple enjoyment in people’s lives, this mindset significantly misses the mark. In fact this sector of the economy is one of the most significant in the world “supporting 292 million jobs and generating 10.2% of global GDP.” The positive impact of this industry goes far beyond economic benefits though, with those working in tourism helping to share cultures and build mutual understanding, ultimately leading to a more peaceful world. The UN declared 2017 the International Year of Sustainable Tourism, with conditions of...
Purpose Beyond Profit with RDO8 Guest Speaker Geoffrey Breeze – Executive Director, World Travel & Tourism Council
The Travel & Tourism industry represents one of the most significant sectors of the global economy, “supporting 292 million jobs and generating 10.2% of global GDP.” Clearly this industry is so much more important than merely trivial leisure pursuit, but something that literally hundreds of millions of people depend upon for their daily livelihoods. In addition to economic development though, those who work in tourism every day are also helping to share cultures and build mutual understanding which is ultimately helping to create a more peaceful world. 2017 was declared the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development by the...