Around The World In 80 Days… An Adventure in Timeshare
As part of an ongoing strategy to make use of creative content as an integral part of their marketing mix, Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket are about to embark on a virtual round-the-world adventure to promote their eXpectations Holidays points product.
Echoing Jules Vern’s famous novel “Around The World In Eighty Days” the team are using 80,000 points to circumnavigate the globe, an imaginative idea that is gaining a lot of interest from within the Industry.
“We’re hoping the journey will create some very engaging content that will educate and inspire new and existing owners alike. The concept also allows us to demonstrate the flexibility of points in such a way that should be beneficial for the entire industry and act as a great case study for sales professionals.” Commented Roy Forsdick, Commercial Director of Worldwide Timeshare Hypermarket.
In keeping with the concept of the original novel where fact meets fiction, whilst all bookings shall be based on real-time availability from RCI, the journey itself will be a virtual one brought to life with social media.
Setting off on March 8th the journey begins with a week in Italy’s Umbria region before moving on to Greece and Egypt.
You can keep track of the adventure via the eXpectations Holidays blog, twitter and facebook.