Harry Taylor, former chief executive of TATOC, has died
We are sad to report that Harry Taylor, former chief executive of TATOC (the Timeshare Association), died last week, age 77. Harry was well known to many in the industry, having been involved in TATOC, the timeshare owners’ association, since the late 90s. He was originally appointed as treasurer but after the death of chief executive Fredericka Johns in 2008, took on the role of chief executive, working with a dedicated board to promote timeshare ownership. He was instrumental in establishing a closer relationship with the industry via RDO and took over RDO’s responsibility for its non-member consumer helpline. TATOC went...
Letter from America
I have always wanted to write that as a headline having been a great admirer of the late Alistair Cooke who sent out his “Letter from America” on BBC Radio every week from 1946 to 2004 and most memorably was in the lobby of the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles and witnessed the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. So that was all just by way of introducing the fact that I was in Washington last week, at the ARDA Fall Convention to make presentations, along with Declan Kenny, to the ARDA ROC and ARDA Boards. As explained at the RDO AGM in Marbella in September,...
Timeshare Association (Timeshare Owners and Committees) Limited – TATOC – is wound up
On 20th July 2017 Timeshare Association (Timeshare Owners and Committees) Limited - TATOC - was compulsorily wound up on a petition presented by TESS (Timeshare Exit and Support) Services and the Official Receiver was appointed as provisional liquidator. The petition presented by TESS follows on from the proceedings instigated by TESS against TATOC which, as a result of TATOC being unable to fund the high costs of defending itself, resulted in TESS obtaining judgment against TATOC. The directors of TATOC have thanked their members and affiliates for their support over many years. TATOC achieved a great deal to protect consumers and promote the...
The question I wished I had asked – Chief Executive Blog
Last Saturday I was at the TATOC Conference in Warrington giving a summary of the work RDO has been doing since last year’s conference. Rivetingly entitled “RDO Update” – my fault I should have submitted a better title - but at least Robin Mills changed it on the day to something more appropriate – “Annus Horribilis” as quoted by Her Majesty of the year various Royal Marriages came unstuck – Prince Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew as I recall it. In contrast Howard Nusbaum President and CEO of ARDA, gave a round-up of the US Market later in the day and the...