
Timeshare Task Force Tag

RDO / Posts tagged "Timeshare Task Force" (Page 2)
ASA adjudication on Easy Consulting SL
23 Sep 2015

ASA adjudication on Timeshare Solutions Ltd

KwikChex, as part of the Timeshare Task Force initiative, recently challenged two testimonials on the Timeshare Solutions Ltd website, questioning whether they were genuine as they also appeared on another website for a different claims company (although under different customer names). Although Timeshare Solutions Ltd initially said the similarities were down to the fact that the two companies operated in the same timeshare relinquishment industry, they later stated that they were not sure if they still held the testimonials because they were provided in 2014. They did, however state that they still held contact details for the individuals who had given...

9 Dec 2013

European Timeshare Leaders Create a New Task Force

The leading businesses and bodies in the European timeshare sector have launched a new initiative to tackle issues that potentially affect hundreds of thousands of timeshare owners and consumers; the initiative also signifies a new era reflecting the great strides forward that the industry has taken in quality and integrity. The Timeshare Task Force brings together RDO’s own enforcement operation, resorts, timeshare owners, consumer organisations and law enforcement agencies to achieve common goals. At the top of the priority list is tackling the rogues that have been defrauding timeshare owners and consumers to the tune of millions of Euros. These fraudulent businesses...

5 Aug 2013

“ Buckle Up Boys, You’re In For A Bumpy Ride”

So said Bette Davis in the opening few minutes of, I believe, “All About Eve” in which she starred against Joan Crawford - all I can remember is that it was in black and white and Davis descends a staircase at a party looking quite stunning and utters these lines as some man lights her cigarette  (I really must be getting old.) Don’t ask me why I remember it – I just thought it was a great line. It came back to me this week as there have been numerous discussions and questions over the activities of the Police in...