Mindtimeshare S.L.
After a number of years operating as both Head of RDO Enforcement and Director of Mindtimeshare, Alberto Garcia has asked to stand down from his current responsibilities, and has set-out his proposals for a re-structure of Mindtimeshare.As from March 2016, he will cease to run Mindtimeshare, which has now been converted into a limited company, Mindtimeshare SL.
The new Director will be Pedro Picazo Senti, of the Valencia law firm, Picazo Associados. Pedro has worked with Alberto for a number of years as his legal adviser and also for some RDO members in the past, so comes to the position with a good knowledge of the industry and the problems thrown up by fraudulent operators. The Mindtimeshare SL team will remain in place
The RDO Board wishes to thank Alberto for all his hard work and dedication over the last 7 or more years he has worked for and with us, and we wish him well for the future.