Which social networks are the best way to market your resort in 2019 and why?
The power of social networking platforms as a tool for promoting your brand to a wider audience, resort reputation management and ultimately increasing sales is now almost undeniable, even to those most resistant to change. This isn’t to say though that even now at the start of 2019, almost 15 years since the start of Facebook, that there aren’t still people who view social networks as something new and doubt their significant and powerful usage as a marketing tool. In fact different versions of social networking sites were started way back in the mid-1990s and the popularity of these types...
Why Your Brand Needs Opinion Mining
With the increasingly significant digital revolution that has taken place in recent years, there are undoubtedly a whole host of new opportunities for brands to reach their customers. Social media continues to go from strength to strength and play an increasingly important part in people’s lives. Recently Facebook, the largest social network in the world reached the milestone of two billion users which is truly incredible! Many of the other largest social networks each boast hundreds of millions of users themselves, with some of these having been started less than ten years ago. In addition to this, in much of the...
Two important ways your Timeshare resort sales team should be using social media
Like it or not, social media has grown massively in the last decade and is here to stay. It is becoming an increasingly important medium in which people communicate, discover entertainment, and find out about products and brands, and this is very much true within the travel and timeshare industry. For some resorts this is a relatively new concept, with their bosses still viewing social media as a waste of time and even banning it within the workplace. This is a huge wasted opportunity though in terms of engaging with guests, advertising your resort and increasing bookings. Instead it is vital...
How to track your guest sales journey through social media
Whether you like it or not, social media is here to stay and is only set to get bigger and bigger. By 2020 it is predicted that there will be close to three billion people using it in some form which will likely include established channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, but also new brands. You only have to look at the astronomical rise of Snapchat which in a few short years has gone from an obscure messaging app, to one of the most widely recognised and used forms of social media in the world! Social Media is not just...
How To Increase Your Resort Success Through Your Guest’s Social Media Posts
It is no exaggeration to say that when many people go on their vacations, they are almost obsessively inclined to document their trip on social media. Whether or not this is a good or bad thing is beside the point; your resort should absolutely be using this modern day phenomenon to its advantage. There are plenty of success stories showing how brands from a whole variety of different sectors of the economy use social media to boost their sales and increase profits. This includes tech companies, fashion brands and food outlets and this is the case for both bigger brands and...
Dominate Future Markets Using Accurate Opinion Data with RDO8 guest speaker Freddie Herbst
Freddie Herbst brings to the table an extensive 26-year career history which includes an abundance of success within sales environments. This is due to his unwavering passion and commitment to his trade, and incredible ability to diversify, combined with a readiness to adapt to changing times. While many in the business world have been unable or unwilling to alter how they operate in the modern marketplace, Freddie has embraced change and flourished! Due to this and many other highly redeeming personal and professional qualities, he has greatly succeeded in past positions and in his current role as Commercial Director within the...
Why Ethical Selling is Essential to Your Success
The days of the dodgy salesmen and con artist are definitely numbered as the rules of the game have been completely flipped on their head. In this constantly connected world, consumers are now in the power position when it comes to most, if not all sales transactions. This can be seen everywhere you look. For example increasingly when people go out shopping in a physical store, they will compare the price displayed with prices across the internet simply by checking on their phone. They will then decide based on this whether it is worth buying the product in store or instead...
Technology is about people
As Steve Clarke explains in this video recorded at the timeshare resort Pearly Grey Ocean Club in Tenerife, rather than focusing on technology as something separate from people, it should be seen as a positive part of the way we now live. Modern advances in communications technology such as free messaging services and social media, offer an outstanding way of increasing our connections with others around the world. Barriers can be broken down, bringing us all closer together. For the travel and timeshare industry, these forms of communication are also an amazing tool for enhancing the way we interact and connect...
I’m No Social Media Marketing Expert, but I’m On Board! Will You Join Us?
We’re all back from RDO’s social media and digital strategy meeting, held in London late January, and, while I’m not that good at the technical side of social media marketing, I’m definitely a convert. One thing lots of people are already excited about is the new RDO Digital community we are about to launch for our members and their staff. This will be a platform where we will be hosting all kinds of training and discussion, and helping each other out as we work together to get better at social media and build up timeshare’s recognition and reputation. That said, I...