
The Chief Executive Blog Tag

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31 Jul 2018

It’s a mad world my masters

Used by Nicholas Breton a pamphleteer in 1603 and 2 years later was the title of a Jacobean comedy by Thomas Middleton. I have managed to stay off the subject of Brexit for some time now, but events of the last few weeks can hardly be allowed to pass without comment (well that’s my excuse). Difficult to know where to start, but I suppose events post the “Chequers agreement” is good enough. First David Davis, then Boris (late as usual whilst he decides where his best advantage lies) – Theresa May must have been secretly relieved to see him go and...

19 Dec 2017

Get a Grip!

I apologise for what is going to look and sound like another Brexit based blog – but let’s face it this is the most dominant topic this side of the English Channel. However, I do appreciate there are the upcoming elections in Catalonia this month, when again all attention will be focussed on that region and the outcome will determine whether Spain will be plunged into further political upheaval. Also in Germany it did look until a couple of weeks ago that the Germans would have to return to the polls as it had proved impossible for Angela Merkel to...

Notice to quit - Chief Executive Blog
3 Apr 2017

Notice to Quit – Chief Executive Blog

So 29th March will go down as the day we officially told Brussels that the UK was leaving the EU. It also happened to be the same day that Scotland’s First Minister told Theresa May, that Scotland wanted to have a second Independence Referendum - now who could have seen that coming I wonder? Sarcasm apart – the day was one of mixed emotions, we had the euphoria of the “Brexiteers” alongside what can probably be described as the muted despair of the “Remoaners”. Ironically we now have the prospect of “The Great Repeal Bill,” which first surfaced in 1539 in...

7 Mar 2017

The question I wished I had asked – Chief Executive Blog

Last Saturday I was at the TATOC Conference in Warrington giving a summary of the work RDO has been doing since last year’s conference. Rivetingly entitled “RDO Update” – my fault I should have submitted a better title - but at least Robin Mills changed it on the day to something more appropriate – “Annus Horribilis” as quoted by Her Majesty of the year various Royal Marriages came unstuck – Prince Charles, Princess Anne and Prince Andrew as I recall it. In contrast Howard Nusbaum President and CEO of ARDA, gave a round-up of the US Market later in the day and the...

6 Oct 2015

From Aha to Kerching!

The title of Guy Browning’s presentation on Day 2 of RDO6 at the Don Carlos Hotel in Marbella, Spain, somehow sums up this year’s conference - more on that presentation later. This year I think those of us on the Conference working group were seriously concerned as to whether we could produce an event that exceeded the standard reached in London last year at RDO5. We need not have been so worried. From Michael Jackson’s (the other one) opening, which so accurately reflected the theme for this year of “Embracing Change” and taught us how not to over-complicate things, to resist the...

Chief Executive Blog
4 Aug 2015

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life…..

So the song goes, and when we heard last week of the second ruling of the Spanish Supreme Court against Anfi Sales, it is fair to say there was a degree of disappointment, but after some initial reflection and review, the Python’s song title comes to mind and we need to move forward. The first ruling against Anfi Sales baffled most lawyers in the industry, as it appeared to fly in the face of the transitional provisions that the domestic Spanish legislation put in place back in 1998 to allow for existing timeshare schemes that were for more than 50 years....

RDO Chief Executive Timeshare Blog is It All About To Change
3 Nov 2014

Is It All About To Change?

How many times have we in this industry thought this I wonder? Are we about to experience one such moment next week? What on earth am I going on about (I do wonder myself). Over the last few months, we have watched claims companies here in the UK and also in Spain, as PPI business here in the UK winds down, look for other sources of business and have turned their attention to timeshare as a possible source of income. The Claims Working Group has pulled together remarkably well as Eugene Miskelly said at the conference, reacting rapidly to changing tactics...

RDO5 2014 Conference
25 Sep 2014

RDO5 – Did We Get It Right?

First thing on the second day of the RDO Conference – this is the question that always goes through your mind. RDO5, held this year in London again, after Gran Canaria in 2013, you are always worried if the programme and speakers have been right, the food OK etc. It is not really until the Gala Dinner that you can start to get the feedback on how it went from the delegates themselves – especially after a few drinks! But it did look at the close of day 1 as though delegates were happy with the content of the Conference and the...

RDO Chief Executive Blog
5 Aug 2014

Mea Culpa …..Or OK It’s My Fault

I had an email late last week from our Social Media Czar (aka Nikkie Yeaman), pointing out that I had not written a blog for 2 plus months and I was falling behind in my intention this year to write at least 1 blog a month. I was surprised on 2 fronts – a) I never thought anyone read them (they probably don’t but Nikkie likes to make sure we have something new up there), b) I thought it was longer than that since I last wrote anything! Knowing you have to write a blog is a bit like knowing...